
How to use aircrack with dynamically created password
How to use aircrack with dynamically created password

Unfortunately, it isn’t, but is instead a mandatory field for any legitimate client to connect to an AP. It is commonly believed that disabling SSID broadcasts is a security measure.

how to use aircrack with dynamically created password

This aircrack tutorial will take you through the steps involved in cracking a WEP key using aircrack-ng. Therefore, we start by collecting information about the target access point.A WEP encryption key can be easily cracked using aircrack-ng. In order for the data to be suitable for decryption, it is necessary that the WiFi card does not switch channels, but to capture information on one channel on which the target Access Point operates. In the second example, the data will be captured and decrypted using only Wireshark. The first data capture is performed using Airodump-ng, and then the wireless traffic will be decrypted in Wireshark. Next will be shown two examples of capturing WiFi traffic and its decryption. password to connect to the Access Point.for this we need Monitor Mode WiFi adapter.a handshake that occurred between the Client and the Access Point immediately prior to the exchange of decrypted information.

how to use aircrack with dynamically created password

But to use the captured handshake you need a password from the WiFi network. And not any, but exactly the one that happened to transmit the traffic that needs to be decrypted. The main thing you need to understand: to decrypt WiFi traffic, you need a four-landmark handshake. To calculate PTK, you need data from a four-stage handshake, as well as a password from a WiFi network (in fact, you also need other information, such as the network name (SSID), but obtaining this data is not a problem). Thus, it turns out that WiFi traffic for each connection in the same Access Point is encrypted with different PTK, and even for one Client after reconnection, PTK changes.

how to use aircrack with dynamically created password

At the same time, PTK is dynamic, that is, it is created anew for each new connection. When transmitting over WiFi, the traffic is encrypted using PTK (the Pairwise transient key can be translated as a Pair of Transition Key). Let’s start with the theory to understand why the process of decrypting WiFi traffic in Wireshark requires some effort and why one cannot simply decrypt any captured WiFi traffic even if there is a password from the Access Point.

How to use aircrack with dynamically created password